Roman Kurniczky


LPR Tréner
Tel.: +421 90 420 90 59, Szlovákia

Roman-1-350x254.jpgRoman Kurnický serves as Managing partner and principal Consultant in Recruitmen and Developium Group, co-founder of cut-e slovakia – on-line psychodiagnostics European leader.

Roman is a certified consultant for the Orange frog™ workshop – Leading Posittive results In Budapest in 2014 by Paul Rigby. Roman attended TASC coaching training – ECCC – certified coach of Erickson College. He is certified also as moderator for Lego Serious Play methodology by Robert Rasmussen and facilitates plenty of creative, strategic and sales implementation workshops and teambuildings using this methodology.

Roman has 15 years of experiences in the area of human resources as an internal trainer, HR manager in pharmaceutical industry and external consultant, trainer and coach for individuals and organizations. Proven skills in building competency models, behavioural selection process, designing training materials and creating and implementing HR processes. Innovative and systematic consultant who offers organizations complex development programs, consulting services and guidance in creating HR strategies and implementation of HR systems. Dynamic, highly oriented on measurable results of HR activities with a sense of humour.

After leaving HR department in Pharmaceutical industry in 2008, he began to run his own business and founded company Developium contact focusing on Assessment and Development Centres, complex development programs, HR consulting and individual coaching.

Roman was the Human Resource Manager of Servier Laboratories Slovakia for 4 years. Prior to this, he was the Trainer and Consultant at Maxman Consultanst for Czech Republic and Slovakia in Bratislava for 2.5 years and he had started as HR Generalist in Metro Cash and Carry Slovakia for 2 years. Roman is Slovak nationality, with university degree at Commenius University, Faculty of Arts with specialization in Organizational psychology graduated with Honors of Dean.

Friss blogbejegyzések

Mi jön ezután?

Mi jön ezután?

Tapasztalások a mából, gondolatok a holnapról.


A VUCA komplexitása már nem csupán egy szakértők által létrehozott elmélet, amin néha elgondolkodom. Nem tudjuk meddig, nem látjuk mennyi kárral, mennyi haszonnal, milyen változásokkal zárul a mostani krízis időszak. Nem tudjuk, hogy lesz-e vakcina, lesz-e egy újabb vírus, milyen gazdasági-, társadalmi-, politikai- és környezeti következményei lesznek a világban a Covid 19-nek.

Pozitív hírek egy hónapon át


Shawn Achor, a pozitív pszichológia neves szakértője, a Boldogság mint versenyelőny és számos más publikáció szerzője azt javasolja, hogy csökkentsük a hírözön által minket elárasztó zajt, szűrjük ki mind a mennyiséget mind a negatív híreket.

Jó hír: mégsem szűnik meg a miskolci gyermekváros!


Nem szűnik meg a miskolci gyermekváros, az intézmény uniós fejlesztési program keretében újul meg, ahogy az ország többi korszerűtlen gyermekotthona is – közölte az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma (Emmi) sajtóhírekre reagálva pénteken az MTI-vel.


Brigitta Simo


"Bea was a real asset in the coach team. She is a very nice person to work with. She is an excellent professional who does her work with dedication and enthusiasm. She easily communicates with all type of people, creative, pro-active and goal-oriented. For me as an administrative person, it was a pleasure to work with her. Even she was working as a field coach, she did her admin tasks punctually as well."



Brigitta Simo
Specialized Procurement Analyst