Andreja Švigir, Ph.D.


Certified auditor - Member of the board of Altius savjetovanje in charge of controlling and related fields

Andreja has been running a consulting company Altius savjetovanje d.o.o. since 2007. She has gained twenty five years experience by working in domestic and foreign companies and as a consultant on the projects of controlling set-up in domestic and foreign companies (references for controlling set-up: The mission of her company is the development and improvement of controlling in Croatian companies.

Their special characteristic is: a holistic approach to the projects of introduction and development of controlling based on Altius method AORI and the approach to change based on Shawn Achor's method, Orange Frog. The final product of controlling introduction and development are the controlling reports which should stimulate management to decision-making. Their approach to controlling also includes a BI solution (Qlik Sens) which enables a simple creation of reports, intuitive visualization and logical reasoning.

More information may be found on their website:

In 2017 they founded the Business School Altius which offers one-year training for the following professions:

• Controlling manager
• Finances, accounting and tax manager
• Human resources manager
• Supply and logistics manager
• Chief executive officer (CEO) programme

The training can be entered into the employment records and is verified by the Ministry of Science and Education. You can take a look at their Alumni here: She has educated more than 3000 attendants at about five hundred trainings and in-house programmes. She is also the co-author of the book “Controlling Management from the Backstage” and the book “Guide for the First MSFI Application” and also author of more than 50 scientific and expert papers in renowned expert and scientific journals.




Friss blogbejegyzések

Mi jön ezután?

Mi jön ezután?

Tapasztalások a mából, gondolatok a holnapról.


A VUCA komplexitása már nem csupán egy szakértők által létrehozott elmélet, amin néha elgondolkodom. Nem tudjuk meddig, nem látjuk mennyi kárral, mennyi haszonnal, milyen változásokkal zárul a mostani krízis időszak. Nem tudjuk, hogy lesz-e vakcina, lesz-e egy újabb vírus, milyen gazdasági-, társadalmi-, politikai- és környezeti következményei lesznek a világban a Covid 19-nek.

Pozitív hírek egy hónapon át


Shawn Achor, a pozitív pszichológia neves szakértője, a Boldogság mint versenyelőny és számos más publikáció szerzője azt javasolja, hogy csökkentsük a hírözön által minket elárasztó zajt, szűrjük ki mind a mennyiséget mind a negatív híreket.

Jó hír: mégsem szűnik meg a miskolci gyermekváros!


Nem szűnik meg a miskolci gyermekváros, az intézmény uniós fejlesztési program keretében újul meg, ahogy az ország többi korszerűtlen gyermekotthona is – közölte az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma (Emmi) sajtóhírekre reagálva pénteken az MTI-vel.


Csigás Zoltán


"I had the pleasure to work in a team led by Bea in the ODWS 2010 initiative, where I got to know her as a dedicated, open minded and goal-oriented professional. Her skills in organizing and project management, combined with her empathy and well-applied coaching skills ensured that our team could deliver exceptional results. I do have to highlight her skills to manage diverse expectations and a number of different demands at the same time and her ability to balance between being results-oriented and friendly. "



Csigás Zoltán
Vice President Research at EMCC & Research Director at GROW OD Group
European Mentoring and Coaching Council INTACT - Budapest