A workshop that truly transforms!


Gyula Hegedus (RockStarOfYourLife.com)

In May this year I was invited by my good friend Bea to participate on the so-called Positive Transformation Workshop organized and held by Bea herself. This 1-day program is built around the concept and methodology of Shawn Achor's Orange Frog Workshop, only shorter and more focused on giving the participants hands-on practical tools and techniques they can start applying right away after leaving the doors of the conference room at the end of the day.



Positive psychology has been my passion in the past 10 years, I've read dozens of books, watched hundreds of youtube videos and attended numerous trainings and conferences in the topic (including Tony Robbins' live seminar in London two years ago, that exceeded my wildest expectations). Due to this I was extremely interested on what this program can offer, since I haven't encountered anything like this in the CEE region before. Most things around the topic of positive psychology originates from the US, or from people living in the US (not to forget Mr. Csikszentmihalyi of course), and Bea's courage and enthusiasm to bring that to the people of Central Europe makes it a special and one-of-a-kind experience.


When you hear Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy or any of the big names talk to you about positivity and motivation you feel - especially here in the former Eastern Block - that yeah, that might work for you guys in the West, but we are different here. On the other hand when you here that from someone who is "one of us", with words, expressions and situations that surround our everyday lives, you say hey, I can really use this stuff! It doesn't seem that distant afterall!


Without going into specifics I would summarize this day as an amazing experience for anyone who is even a bit open for positive change. As a spark is enough to light an entire city on fire, a spark of positivity can be enough to start transforming ourselves, our friends, our family, co-workers and even complete strangers. This workshop gives you this spark, it's only up to you how and in what areas of your life you're willing to use it!

Friss blogbejegyzések

Mi jön ezután?

Mi jön ezután?

Tapasztalások a mából, gondolatok a holnapról.


A VUCA komplexitása már nem csupán egy szakértők által létrehozott elmélet, amin néha elgondolkodom. Nem tudjuk meddig, nem látjuk mennyi kárral, mennyi haszonnal, milyen változásokkal zárul a mostani krízis időszak. Nem tudjuk, hogy lesz-e vakcina, lesz-e egy újabb vírus, milyen gazdasági-, társadalmi-, politikai- és környezeti következményei lesznek a világban a Covid 19-nek.

Pozitív hírek egy hónapon át


Shawn Achor, a pozitív pszichológia neves szakértője, a Boldogság mint versenyelőny és számos más publikáció szerzője azt javasolja, hogy csökkentsük a hírözön által minket elárasztó zajt, szűrjük ki mind a mennyiséget mind a negatív híreket.

Jó hír: mégsem szűnik meg a miskolci gyermekváros!


Nem szűnik meg a miskolci gyermekváros, az intézmény uniós fejlesztési program keretében újul meg, ahogy az ország többi korszerűtlen gyermekotthona is – közölte az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma (Emmi) sajtóhírekre reagálva pénteken az MTI-vel.


Brigitta Simo


"Bea was a real asset in the coach team. She is a very nice person to work with. She is an excellent professional who does her work with dedication and enthusiasm. She easily communicates with all type of people, creative, pro-active and goal-oriented. For me as an administrative person, it was a pleasure to work with her. Even she was working as a field coach, she did her admin tasks punctually as well."



Brigitta Simo
Specialized Procurement Analyst